Thursday, January 6, 2011

This might be stupid.

Perhaps it's egotistical of me to think anyone cares to read about our lives, but in this case I don't think it is. Being away from the general area where most of our family resides and having something as big as the military in our lives, I think it might be a good idea to have a way of keeping everyone updated with what's going on with Isabel and with Mike and the Navy. Facebook doesn't allow for too many details and phone calls can be challenging, so what I seek to do here is cut back on the use of secondary sources, messengers, mixed up stories, misinformation, grapevines, and little birdies to keep everyone informed.

The blog will be public, PG, and free of incriminating photos, addresses, phone numbers, and any and all credit information. As such, if there is a family member or friend of ours that you think will be interested in getting updates but hasn't been told about the blog, feel free to share the link (though as soon as I'm done typing this I will likely share it on facebook, then email it to my mother and mother-in-law, so I think I pretty much covered it).

With the big stuff, like our upcoming move, I promise to share the facts as I learn them. With things like Isabel's going-ons and life in general...well, I promise not to go into too much detail about trips to the laundromat or what we're having for dinner. All in all, it's a good idea for you to read this blog, you won't regret it, it's super exciting. Bookmark me.

Now that I've thoroughly explained why I'm doing this, it might be a good idea to give a quick rundown of where we're at right now, to make sure everyone is up to speed...

Mike's time at Great Lakes is winding down now. He's back to work now, after two wonderful weeks of leave. He received orders in December and learned that we'll be moving to Norfolk, VA on March 27th. He's planning to take leave for several days before then, so that we can get moved and settled. (So if anyone wants to drive down to VA to help us move in then you'd be our favorite person, I'd bake you delicious treats, and you'd get the pleasure of saying you saw our new place before anyone else). Aside from the small bit of nerves that come with any big change, he's excited and we're all very happy to be leaving Illinois and moving a bit closer to home. We're very interested in having people come down to visit us this summer, though I can only promise myself and Isabel. Mike will be on the ship for part of the spring and summer. We don't have any details on that matter right now. No decisions have been made yet on where we'll be living. There's a lot to be sorted out yet and a lot that needs to be done before we leave here, so we're glad we have the rest of the winter to work it all out (though not too glad that we have the rest of the winter to live in Illinois, in particular).

Isabel is coming up on 15 months now. She is still unemployed and not dating anyone. Her and I are excited about the idea of finding a mommy and baby class for the spring in Virginia, now that she's a bit older (not a lot was available out here for her age group). She walks exclusively now, recently scored two shiny new teeth, and says four or five words regularly. She loves to sing, loves playing with other kids, and is a lot of fun to watch lately because she's learning so much everyday and she amazes me with how perceptive she is. We'll be taking her for a check up soon, so I'm excited to see how big she's gotten. The blip we had with her weight gain last summer is now completely behind us.

As for me, don't expect many updates. I just enjoy being a stay-at-home mom and I'm grateful that I'm able to do so. To me, there is nothing more valuable I could be doing with my time, and so I have no plans to rejoin the workforce in the foreseeable future. Illinois has been a learning experience for us and I think we're coming away with knowledge that will make Virginia much more enjoyable.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and that 2011 is a great year for all of us. We spent all our holidays here at home, so it was much more quiet than I'm used to and I had to work hard to make the special days seem different from every other weekend, but I think I did well and we had a nice season. I don't like the trend of not making resolutions, so I have a few. I want to stick with weight watchers, be organized, break less dishes, start driving again, and add to our family in 2011 (perhaps a puppy!) ;)

That's it for now. You must be relieved. Good job, reading all that, I'm impressed with your stamina. Stay tuned. I'll talk to you all soon. <3

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