Saturday, March 5, 2011

PCS time

Hello family. 

Since our move is FAST approaching now, I thought I'd update you on that as much as I can.

Pack and load day is March 17th. The movers will be packing for us which is a huge convenience, but also means that we'll be waking up here on moving day with practically nothing packed. This makes me nervous, but I can definitely live with it. Better than having to pack myself! In the next week, I'll just be working on getting everything organized for them. Since the 17th is also the last day we can be in this apartment, we'll be giving up our keys as soon as the movers are gone and setting out on the 17 hour journey to Virginia. Not expecting to get too far that night, but we aim to be in Norfolk by the end of the day on the 18th. Isabel has been on two long car trips in her life and it's never fun or easy, so send us your good thoughts and positive energy that day.

We have a number of days in Virginia before Mike has to report to work. We'll be staying in a hotel, viewing a few apartments in Norfolk and Virginia Beach, and hopefully we'll have a lease signed by the time he's due to report. If you're wondering, our stuff will go into storage somewhere once it reaches Virginia and will be delivered to us as soon as we have a permanent address. It might sound like a crazy, scary thing to you guys, but it's pretty common in the military to move without knowing where you're moving to.

He has a 14 day school to attend in Norfolk before he attaches to his ship. which, as you know, is in the middle of a deployment. There isn't much chance that we'll be visiting home before he deploys, but he'll be back mid-summer.

I don't know how long it will take us to have the internet again, so it could be a while before I come back with an update about our new place, but you can count on getting small updates here and there via facebook. Talk to you guys soon!

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